Terms and Conditions

  1. Introduction

    These Terms & Conditions (“ Terms” or “ ToU”) are between EpowerX Learning Technologies Private Limited (along with its successors, subsidiaries, permitted assignees, management, support/sales team, employees, consultants and all persons claiming through them and under them and referred to as the ( “Company”, “SKILL-LYNC”, “SKILL LYNC.LIVE” “us”, “we”, or “our” ) and its Users and/or its Minor Users (referred to as “you” or “yourself” or “Learner”). These Terms define the relationship between you and SKILL-LYNC/SKILL LYNC.LIVE in accessing our Services via our Platform for live streamed classes or any other services and/or at our Offline Centres. By clicking on the “Agree” button you (on behalf of yourself and/or a Minor User) agree to these Terms which will bind you and/or the Minor User. If you do not agree to these Terms you and/or the Minor User must cease to continue to purchase any Services from us. These Terms apply to all Users and/or Minor Users of our Services including on our Website, and without limitation also applies to Users and/or Minor Users who are browsers, vendors, and/or Users, and our employees and consultants. The expression “YOU” shall mean the Users/beneficiaries and/or Minor Users of our Services, including, without limitation all persons including our employees and consultants who create and / or make available Course / Course Material on the Platform and users who access the Platform to purchase any Service or users who access the Platform otherwise such as the users who are browsers, vendors, Users and/or Minor Users, and our employees and consultants.

    Any new feature or tool which is added to the current Website or Services shall also be subject to these Terms.

    We also provide details regarding our processing of personal data of our Users and/ or Minor Users, and employees and consultants in our Privacy Policy.

    In all cases, you (on behalf of yourself and/or a Minor User) agree that no separate act is required to make the Privacy Policy, or the Terms binding on you and/or a Minor User, and that your and/or a Minor User’s act of downloading, registering, accessing, purchasing or using any part of the Website or Services constitutes your (on behalf of yourself and/or a Minor User’s) full and final acceptance of the Privacy Policy, Live Classes related terms and conditions, and the Terms mentioned herein its entirety. You (on behalf of yourself and/or a Minor User) agree and acknowledge to be bound by, and liable under, the Privacy Policy and the Terms. If you (on behalf of yourself and/or a Minor User) do not agree with the Privacy Policy, Live Classes related terms and conditions and/or the Terms in general mentioned herein, please do not use the Website/Services. These Terms constitute an electronic record in accordance with the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 thereunder, as amended from time to time.

    Please read the Terms mentioned herein and Privacy Policy carefully before using, registering or accessing our Website and Services. In the event of any discrepancy between the Terms and any other policies with respect to our Website or Services, the provisions of these Terms shall prevail.

  2. Definitions

    In these Terms, the following words and expressions, unless inconsistent with the context, shall bear the meanings assigned hereto:

    1. Confidential Information – means all information provided by one party to the other in written, graphic, recorded, machine-readable or another form concerning the business, clients, suppliers, finances and other areas of the other party’s business or products, including, without limitation, the Course Materials, except information that is publicly known through no wrongful act or omission of the User and/or the Minor User or any information already in the possession or control of the disclosing party.
    2. Course – means our programs offered remotely through either our Platform, pre-recorded multimedia and audio-visual content, live streamed classes on third party applications and/or our programs offered physically at our Offline Centres.
    3. Course Material – means the information provided by SKILL-LYNC.LIVE to accompany a Course as part of the Services which is available on our Platform and includes assessment tests and examinations.
    4. CSET: Career Services Eligibility Test, an assessment to determine eligibility for SKILL-LYNC.LIVE's career services.
    5. Intellectual Property Rights – means copyright, rights in or relating to databases, patent rights, performers’ rights, designs and registered designs, trademarks, rights in or relating to Confidential Information, and other intellectual property rights (registered or unregistered) throughout the world.
    6. Legal Actions and Notices – means any notice or other communication to be given hereunder will be in writing and given by registered post only.
    7. Live Classes: Real-time interactive sessions conducted by instructors online via platforms such as Google Meet, Zoom, Teams etc.
    8. Minor User - means a User of our Services, who is a child or a minor (i.e. a natural person below the age of 18 (eighteen) years).
    9. No Objection Certificate (NOC) - A formal documentation provided by the NBFC indicating clearance regarding loan conclusions.
    10. Offline Centre - means a physical premises operated by SKILL-LYNC to deliver offline classes.
    11. Placement Opportunities – means Job or internship initiatives led by SKILL-LYNC or SKILL- LYNC.LIVE or on behalf of other corporations.
    12. Platform – means the Website and any other feature or tool provided and operated by SKILL-LYNC/SKILL LYNC.LIVE, including any application that may be launched by SKILL-LYNC.
    13. Pricing and Promotional Policy – means the policy governing the pricing of and promotions related to the Courses offered on the Platform.
    14. Privacy Policy – means SKILL-LYNC.LIVE’s privacy policy available at (https://skill-lync.live/privacy-and-policy).
    15. Pre-Recorded Sessions – Content from previously conducted live classes or specially curated recordings for self-paced learning.
    16. Services – means the provision of the Course and/or the Course Material together with such other services as agreed from time to time and purchased by you (on behalf of yourself and/or the Minor User) and availed remotely through either our Platform, pre-recorded multimedia and audio-visual content, Live Classes i.e., Real-time interactive sessions conducted by instructors online via third party applications such as Google Meet, Zoom and/or physically at our Offline Centres.
    17. Support System – refers to the different processes that SKILL-LYNC.LIVE follows to resolve User and/or Minor User queries and includes but are not limited to one-on-one and group doubt clearing sessions through phone call, e-mail, third party text, audio and video communication applications, or physically at our Offline Centres(if applicable).
    18. Terms – means these Terms and Conditions or Terms of Use of SKILL-LYNC.LIVE.
    19. User (or “you”, “your”, “yourself”) – refers to any individual who is a natural person aged 18 (eighteen) years or above, and who is competent and capable of contracting within the meaning of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 and accesses our Website and/or purchases the Services. Such an individual, where applicable, includes the parent/legal guardian or any other authorized individual who facilitates the use of the Services for a Minor User.
    20. Video Know Your Customer (VKYC) – a process of service confirmation and verification through video calls to remotely complete the KYC (Know Your Customer) process through a live audio video interface between the learner and us.
    21. Website – means http://www.skill-lync.live
  3. General Terms and Conditions
    1. Right to Access and Course Enrolment
      1. When you and/or a Minor User enrol in our Course, you and/or the Minor User get a license from us to view/access it, depending on the specific program via the Platform, through live streamed classes on third party applications and/or physically at our Offline Centres and for no other use. You and/or a Minor User are hereby expressly barred from transferring or reselling Courses in any way.
      2. Our Course Material is only licensed to you and/or a Minor User and is not sold to you and/or a Minor User. The license granted to you does not give you and/or the Minor User any right to transfer or resell the Course Material in any manner (including by sharing account information with a purchaser or downloading the Course Material and sharing it on third-party sources). SKILL-LYNC.LIVE grants you as a User and/or a Minor User, a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and view the Course Material and associated content for which you (on behalf of yourself and/or the Minor User) have paid all required fees, solely for your personal, non-commercial, educational purposes through the Services, in accordance with these Terms and any conditions or restrictions associated with a particular Course or feature of our Services. All other uses are expressly prohibited. You and/or the Minor User may not reproduce, redistribute, transmit, assign, sell, broadcast, rent, share, lend, modify, adapt, edit, create derivative works of, sub-license, or otherwise transfer or use any Course Material unless we give you (for yourself or on behalf of a Minor User) explicit permission to do so in a written agreement signed by a SKILL-LYNC’s authorized representative.
      3. The Course Material may be accessed by you and/or the Minor User through our Platform only irrespective of the Course being delivered remotely or physically. We reserve our right to revoke any license to access and use Course Material at any point in time, in the event where we decide or are obligated to disable access to a Course due to legal or policy reasons, for example, if the Course you and/or the Minor User enrolled in is the object of a copyright complaint, or if we determine its content violates our Terms and policies.
    2. Accounts and Enrolment
      1. You and/or a Minor User will need an account to purchase and enrol in a Course. You (on behalf of yourself or the Minor User) shall be solely responsible for all activity associated with your and/or the Minor User’s account either done by yourself, the Minor User or someone using your and/or the Minor User’s account without your permission. If you suspect someone else is using your and/or the Minor User’s account, it is your duty (on behalf of yourself or the Minor User) to inform us by contacting our support team at ITgrievance@skill-lync.live. We may request some information from you (on behalf of yourself and/or the Minor User) to confirm that you and/or a Minor User are indeed the owner of your account.
      2. When registering, setting up and maintaining your account or that of a Minor User, you agree and acknowledge to provide and continue to provide accurate and complete information, including a valid email address and the Company does not have the responsibility to ensure or verify that you and/or the Minor User conform to eligibility criteria, wherever applicable. You (on behalf of yourself and/or the Minor User) shall not transfer or assign your and/or the Minor User’s account to someone else or use someone else’s account without their permission. If you (on behalf of yourself and/or the Minor User) contact us to request access to an account, we will not grant you such access unless you can provide us with the login credential information for that account. In the event of the death of a User and/or the Minor User, the account of that User and/or a Minor User will be closed.
      3. You and/or a Minor User agrees to complete the VKYC (Video Know Your Customer) process through a live audio video interface between you and us.
      4. Access to and utilization of our platform's services is exclusively valid for a period of twelve (12) months commencing from the date of enrolment. It is imperative to note that this aforementioned twelve (12) month timeframe shall persist unaltered, any extended Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI) schedule in case of a loan facility availed, including but not limited to options extending beyond twelve (12) months, such as twenty-two (22) months.

        Notwithstanding any tenure of loan facility availed, irrespective of its duration/No of instalments, services and access shall unequivocally cease and terminate following the expiration of the aforementioned twelve (12) month period.

      5. You and/or a Minor User agrees that by enrolling in the specific Batch, your enrolment is specific to the designated batch and cannot be transferred to a different batch or a different student. Shifting to a new batch must be explicitly approved by the SKILL LYNC, and may incur additional costs. The faculty and class timings for the new batch may vary from the current batch.
      6. Important note to Minor Users

        parents and/or other family members and before accessing or using the Platform/Website/Services. If you as a Minor User, are using our Services without a parent or legal guardian’s consent, please immediately stop using our Services until one of your parents or legal guardians has approved and provided their informed consent to your usage of our Services in accordance with the Terms and the Privacy Policy.

      7. Important note to parents and legal guardians
        1. If you have the ability to enter into a legally binding contract under applicable laws and you register, purchase, approve, and/or consent to the usage of the Services by a Minor User or facilitate the use of our Services for a Minor User, you represent and warrant that you are such Minor User’s parent or legal guardian, and you agree to be bound by these Terms and the Privacy Policy on behalf of such Minor User, including without limitation, being liable for all use of the Services by the Minor User and that no separate act is required to make these Terms, and the Privacy Policy binding on you, and that you and/or the Minor User’s act of downloading, registering, purchasing, and/or using the Services constitutes your complete acceptance of these Terms and the Privacy Policy, on behalf of such Minor User.
        2. You agree and acknowledge that the use of the Services by a Minor User will be undertaken pursuant to your consent and knowledge and under your supervision. In other words, wherever applicable, in the event a Minor User utilises the Services, it is assumed that such Minor User has obtained your consent, i.e. the consent of their parent/legal guardian.
        3. Further, you hereby covenant that you will cause the Minor User to use the Services strictly in accordance with these Terms and Privacy Policy, and all terms contained herein shall be enforceable against you and you shall be responsible for all losses or liabilities incurred by the Company due to any breach of these Terms and Privacy Policy by the Minor User. You hereby acknowledge that the Company may choose, but is not obligated, to make any inquiries, either directly or through third parties, that the Company deems necessary to validate your information and status as a parent or a legal guardian, unless required under applicable laws. NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE COMPANY CANNOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF ANY INFORMATION SUBMITTED BY ANY USER (INCLUDING A MINOR USER) AND THE COMPANY IS NOT OBLIGATED TO VERIFY THE IDENTITY OF ANY USER, INCLUDING ANY USER’S CLAIM TO BE A PARENT OR A LEGAL GUARDIAN, OR TO VERIFY THAT A PARENT OR THE LEGAL GUARDIAN IDENTIFIED BY A MINOR USER DURING REGISTRATION OR USAGE IS SUCH MINOR USER’S ACTUAL PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN. A USER ACCOUNT, ALONG WITH ALL ASSOCIATED MINOR USER ACCOUNTS, IF ANY, MAY BE TERMINATED BY THE COMPANY AT ANY TIME AND WITHOUT WARNING FOR ANY FAILURE TO ABIDE BY ANY OF THESE TERMS.
      8. You and/or a Minor User can terminate your account at any time after due intimation to our support team and by following the procedures as indicated by our support team. Please check our Privacy Policy (https://skill-lync.live/privacy-and-policy) to see what happens when you terminate your and/or the Minor User’s account.
    3. Payments
      1. Course pricing and related information is listed on the Website and / or other third-party platforms for each Course and is subject to changes without notice. The prices of Courses on SKILL-LYNC.LIVE are determined based on our Pricing and Promotional Policy. If you and/or a Minor User are logged into your and/or the Minor User’s account, the listed currency you and/or a Minor User see is based on your and/or a Minor User’s location when you (on behalf of yourself and/or the Minor User) created your and/or the Minor User’s account. If you and/or the Minor User are not logged into your and/or the Minor User’s account, the price currency is based on the country where you and/or a Minor User are located. We do not enable Users and/or Minor Users to see pricing in other currencies. If you are a User and/or Minor User located in a country where sales tax, goods and services tax, or value-added tax is applicable to consumer sales, we are responsible for collecting and remitting that tax to the proper tax authorities if applicable. When you (on behalf of yourself and/or a Minor User) make a purchase, you agree not to use an invalid or unauthorized payment method. We reserve the right to disable access to any of our Services including any access to attend the live classes for which we have not received adequate payments.
      2. We use third-party payment gateways and/or aggregators to process payments applicable to the Services including the Courses offered by us. Similarly, we have also enabled integration of third-party payment providers including without limitation the third-party credit facility providers to facilitate better payment options to you (on behalf of yourself and/or a Minor User), which may vary depending on your and/or the Minor User’s location. Third-party payment gateways/aggregators, third-party credit facility providers, digital lending apps/platforms, lending service providers, financial services intermediaries, or any other third-party facilitating financing and/or payment related services shall collectively be referred to as “Third-Party Service Providers”.
      3. Third-Party Service Providers may also charge you (on behalf of yourself and/or a Minor User) fees to use or access their services and may require your and/or a Minor User’s Personal Information ( as defined in the Privacy Policy) to complete any transaction on the Platform and/or at our Offline Centres. Further, to facilitate completion of your (on behalf of yourself and/or a Minor User) payments to us through the Platform or avail the payment options provided to you, you may be redirected to an external website operated by the Third-Party Service Provider. We cannot and do not (i) guarantee the adequacy of the privacy and security practices employed by or the content and media provided by the Third-Party Service Provider or its respective websites; or (ii) control collection or use of your and/or a Minor User’s Personal Information (as defined in the Privacy Policy) by such Third-Party Service Provider. Hence, prior to using any services offered by a Third-Party Service Provider, we suggest that you (on behalf of yourself and/or a Minor User) read their terms and conditions, privacy policy and other policies, that may apply, to understand their terms of usage and to understand how your and/or a Minor User’s Personal Information (as defined in the Privacy Policy) is being processed. SKILL-LYNC is not affiliated to any Third-Party Service Provider and neither SKILL-LYNC nor any of the Third-Party Service Provider are agents or employees of the other.
      4. Further, pursuant to the payment option you (on behalf of yourself and/or a Minor User) may choose, you (on behalf of yourself and/or a Minor User) may be required to enter into a separate agreement with the relevant Third-Party Service Provider. The agreement with the Third-Party Service Provider is an independent contract or agreement between you (on behalf of yourself and/or a Minor User) and such Third-Party Service Provider and SKILL-LYNC.LIVE is not privy to any agreement or arrangement you (on behalf of yourself and/or a Minor User) may enter into with them. You (on behalf of yourself and/or a Minor User) will be bound by the terms and conditions of your agreement or arrangement with such Third-Party Service Provider and SKILL-LYNC will not in any way be liable or responsible for or in relation to any such arrangement. SKILL-LYNC is only facilitating various payment options to you (on behalf of yourself and/or a Minor User) and is not offering any payment or loan by itself in any manner.
      5. You (on behalf of yourself and/or a Minor User) agree that you are solely responsible for all charges that occur through such Third-Party Service Providers and acknowledge and agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless SKILL-LYNC, its affiliates or subsidiaries, their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents from any loss arising out of or related to the use of the Platform or any purchases made through the Platform. This obligation will survive your and/or a Minor User’s use of our Services and termination of your Agreement with us. For purposes of these Terms, “Loss” means all losses, liabilities, damages, awards, settlements, claims, suits, proceedings, costs, and expenses (including reasonable legal fees and disbursements and costs of investigation, litigation, settlement, judgment, interest, and penalties). SKILL-LYNC.LIVE shall not be liable to you and/or a Minor User for any claims arising out of any act or omission on the part of the Third-Party Service Provider(s) including, but not limited to, any lost, stolen, or incorrectly processed payments. SKILL-LYNC expressly disclaims any responsibility and liability for all services provided by the Third-Party Service Provider(s).
    4. Discount and Refund Policy
      1. Discounts:

          We provide a structured discount / special discount system based on the timing of your enrollment and batch eligibility

        1. Super Early Bird: If you enroll more than 30 days before the program's commencement, you are eligible for the highest level of discount.
        2. Early Bird: Enrolling between 15 and 30 days before the program start date entitles you to a moderate discount.
        3. Last Minute Learner: Enrolling within 15 days of the program start date qualifies you for a minimal discount.
        4. Special Discount: Based on the ongoing offers, a standard discount % is provided if you enroll within alloted time period before the discount offer expires

          Please note that either the structured discount method or the special discount method may be applicable for a batch. The company reserves the right to change the discount method at their discretion

      2. Refunds:
        1. 100% Refund: You are entitled to a full refund if requested within the initial 7 days following the commencement of live classes.
        2. No Refund: After 7 days have elapsed from the start of live classes, no refunds will be issued.
        3. Please be aware that loan foreclosure charges are the responsibility of the User/learner. These charges typically range between 15-20% of the loan amount, or potentially even higher, depending on the policies of the loan provider.

    5. At your own risk
      1. You and/or the Minor User shall only use SKILL-LYNC for lawful purposes. We reserve the right to disable, deactivate, suspend and/or ban your account and/or access to any Course, Platform and/or the Services in the event you violate applicable local or national laws or regulations or are in repeated or serious violations or breach of these Terms and Privacy Policy.
      2. As mandated by the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 and to the extent it is applicable to these Terms and the Privacy Policy, SKILL-LYNC hereby informs you and/or the Minor User that, in the use of the Services, you and/or the Minor User are not permitted to host, display, upload, send, modify, publish, transmit, update or share any information, that:
        1. belongs to another person and to which you do not have any right;
        2. is obscene, pornographic, paedophilic, libellous, invasive of another’s privacy, including bodily privacy, hateful, harassing on the basis of gender, racial or ethnically objectionable, relating to or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or promoting enmity between different groups on the grounds of religion or caste with the intent to incite violence;
        3. is harmful to child;
        4. infringes any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights;
        5. deceives or misleads the addressee about the origin of the message or knowingly and intentionally communicates any misinformation or information which is patently false and untrue or misleading in nature;
        6. impersonates another person;
        7. contains software viruses, or any other computer code, files or program designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer resource;
        8. violates any law for the time being in force.
        9. In addition to the above, you agree and undertake that when using a website / service of the Company, you will not:
          1. defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights of others;
          2. be disrespectful or throw unprofessional behaviour by using foul language or impressions, behave inappropriately, give False threats or unruly behaviour towards any authorised representative of the Company;
          3. publish, post, upload, distribute or disseminate any inappropriate, incorrect, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful topic, name, material or information in social media or otherwise;
          4. be respectful and kind to your fellow users, we do not tolerate any form of harassment or bullying on the Platform and strive to keep the Platform a safe space to foster learning. Harassment in this case would include but not be limited to abusive videos, comments, messages, revealing someone’s personal information, including sensitive personally identifiable information of individuals, content or comments uploaded in order to humiliate someone, sexual harassment or sexual bullying in any form.
          5. conduct or forward surveys, contests, pyramid schemes or chain letters;
          6. Not pass any comments or remarks based on skin colour, race, nationality, social background, disabilities, sexual orientation, political or religious conviction, sex or age;
          7. shall not directly or indirectly give any commission, gift, benefit and entertainment, in cash or in kind, to any Skill Lync.Live's Employee, to obtain or retain favoured treatment, to influence actions or to obtain an improper advantage for itself or any third party.
          8. any information provided by you on this platform shall not be misleading in any way.
          9. must not engage in any activity that brings SKILL-LYNC or any of its affiliates into disrepute;
          10. either presently or in the past, be involved in any misconduct or malpractice of any kind;
          11. commit acts of dishonesty during the application process and the duration of the Refund Window;
          12. must not submit any factually incorrect details;
      3. SKILL-LYNC has discretion in enforcing these Terms. We may terminate or suspend your and/or the Minor User’s permission to use our Platform and Services or ban your account at any time, with or without notice, for any violation of these Terms, if you (for yourself and/or the Minor User) fail to pay any fees when due, for extended periods of inactivity, for unexpected technical issues or problems, or if we suspect that you and/or the Minor User engage in fraudulent or illegal activities or breaching the code of conduct. Upon any such termination, we may delete your and/or the Minor User’s account and content, and we may prevent you and/or the Minor User from further access to the Platforms and use of our Services. Your and/or the Minor User’s content may still be available on the Platforms even if your and/or the Minor User’s account is terminated or suspended. You (on behalf of yourself and/or the Minor User) agree that we will have no liability to you, to the Minor User or any third party for termination of your and/or the Minor User’s account, removal of your and/or the Minor User’s content, or blocking of your and/or the Minor User’s access to our Platforms and Services. Notwithstanding anything contrary stated in the Platform Terms, in its sole discretion, SKILL-LYNC may remove anyone from the Platform at any time for any reason.
    6. Support System

      The Support System provided by SKILL-LYNC should be strictly used only for getting help with the materials discussed in the Course. Comprehensive student support that covers help provided in response to questions during or after attending classes, as well as while working on assignments or projects, is an essential component of a holistic educational experience, Skill Lync aims to empower students to excel academically, develop critical skills, and nurture a lifelong passion for learning. The Support System shall not be provided for side projects or assignments that the User and/or the Minor User might work on in their individual capacity. The duration of the support will depend on the plan that you (on behalf of yourself and/or the Minor User) have purchased. If you (on behalf of yourself and/or the Minor User) miss making payments then access to the Support System will be cut off. If the User and/or Minor User is caught sharing videos, notes, programs, and other digital content that is owned by SKILL-LYNC then appropriate legal actions would be taken and the User (on behalf of themselves and/or the Minor User) has to bear all the associated costs.

    7. Third-Party Software Licenses

      For certain Courses, SKILL-LYNC.LIVE provides legal software licenses for the Users and/or Minor Users to practice. The license for the Course Material will be available only for the duration of the Course and must be used only for learning the Course for which the license was provided. The use of these licenses for commercial activities will result in an immediate loss of access to the Course, the Support System, and any certificates. Commercial use of the Courses by the User and/or the Minor User will also lead to legal prosecution and the Support shall be provided exclusively for software/tools provided by SKILL-LYNC.LIVE.

    8. SKILL-LYNC Rights
      1. We own the Platform and Services, including the Website, present or future applications and Courses, Course Material, our logos, API, database, code, and content created and/or delivered by our employees, consultants. You and/or a Minor User cannot tamper with those or use them without authorization.
      2. All right, title, and interest in and to the Platform and Services, including our website, our existing or future applications, our logos, APIs, databases, code, and the content our employees or partners submit or provide through our Services are and will remain the exclusive property of SKILL-LYNC.LIVE. Our Platforms and Services are protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws. Nothing gives you and/or a Minor User a right to use the SKILL-LYNC.LIVE name or any of the SKILL-LYNC.LIVE/SKILL-LYNC trademarks, logos, domain names, and any other Intellectual Property Rights.
    9. Security, Intrusion & Detection
      1. You and/or the Minor User may not do any of the following while accessing or using the Platform and Services:
        1. access, tamper with or use non-public areas of the Platform, SKILL-LYNC.LIVE’s computer systems, or the technical delivery systems of SKILL-LYNC.LIVE’s service providers.
        2. disable, interfere with, or try to circumvent any of the features of the Platform related to security or probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any of our systems.
        3. copy, modify, create a derivative work of, reverse engineer, reverse assemble, or otherwise attempt to discover any source code of or content on the SKILL-LYNC.LIVE Platform or Services.
        4. access or search or attempt to access or search our Platform by any means (automated or otherwise) other than through our currently available search functionalities that are provided via our website, mobile apps, or API (and only pursuant to those API terms and conditions). You may not scrape, spider, use a robot or use other automated means of any kind to access the Services in any way use the Services to send altered, deceptive, or false source-identifying information (such as sending email communications falsely appearing as SKILL-LYNC), or interfere with, or disrupt, (or attempt to do so), the access of any User and/or Minor User, host, or network, including, without limitation, sending a virus, overloading, flooding, spamming, or mail-bombing the Platforms or Services, or in any other manner interfering with or creating an undue burden on the Services.
      2. Unauthorized attempts to hack, copy, upload or change information, or otherwise cause harm/damage to the Services and/or any User/Minor User of the Services, is strictly prohibited and may be punishable under applicable law.
      3. For Website security purposes, and to ensure that the Service remains available to all genuine human Users and/Minor Users and to genuine businesses and organizations that have the consent of SKILL-LYNC.LIVE, all network traffic is monitored.
      4. If a User (on behalf of themselves and/or a Minor User) disagrees with these Terms, then that User and/or Minor User should not use this Website.
    10. Restriction of Liability and Disclaimer
      1. SKILL-LYNC reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to restrict or block the access of a User and/or a Minor User, and/or to suspend or terminate the account of a User and/or a Minor User, and/or to remove or delete any information/content posted, uploaded or displayed by a User and/or a Minor User, and/or to deny a User and/or a Minor User’s future access to the Platform and/or the Service, or any part thereof, with or without notice and for any reason whatsoever, and shall have no liability or responsibility to the User and/or a Minor User in any manner whatsoever if it chooses to do so.
      2. The Platform, Services, Course and Course Material are provided on an “as is” basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. For all Users and/or a Minor Users as well as any entities or third parties mentioned or displayed anywhere on this Platform or as part of the Services, SKILL-LYNC expressly disclaims all liability for errors and omissions in the contents of this Platform or as part of its Services, or any inaccuracies, falsehoods, defamation, slander, libel, discriminatory terminology, obscenity, pornography or profanity you and/or a Minor User may encounter or any interpretation of such that you and/or a Minor User may make. SKILL-LYNC disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular use or purpose, title and non-infringement with respect to the Platform, Services, Course and Course Material. SKILL-LYNC further does not warrant that the Website, the Services, access to the Course or Course Material will be uninterrupted or error free; nor is there any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from the use of the Website, the Services, access to the Course or Course Material. As a provider of interactive online and offline Services such as, but not limited to, job boards, school ad listings, public forum boards, or banner advertisements, SKILL-LYNC is not liable for any words, terminology, statements, representations, images, visuals or content provided by or viewed by a User and/or a Minor User. The information and images displayed therein are provided in good faith, but we make no guarantees about the completeness, accuracy, timeliness, availability, accessibility, merchantability, appropriateness, or fitness for any particular purpose of any of the information, images or visuals.
      3. The User (on behalf of themselves and/or the Minor User) accepts that the use of this Platform and of our Services is at the User’s/Minor User’s sole risk. The User (on behalf of themselves and/or the Minor User) is aware and voluntarily and wholly accepts that your and/or the Minor User’s use of this Platform, of our Services or any other SKILL-LYNC website or application is always entirely and exclusively your own responsibility. SKILL-LYNC accepts no responsibility for your and/or the Minor User’s use of this Platform and of our Services, or for anyone else’s (including any advertiser’s) use of it. SKILL-LYNC accepts no responsibility for any injury, loss, penalty, claim, damage, or interpretation arising out of or in any way connected with this Platform and/or our Services which includes, but is not limited to, the content, information or entities/third parties/advertisers displayed here, the usage of cookies or collection of data/information by this Platform and/or our Services or by entities/third parties/advertisers displayed here. By accessing, browsing, or using this Platform and/or our Services, you (on behalf of yourself and/or the Minor User) agree with these conditions and agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the owners, operators, and maintainers of this Platform and of the Services and their agents and partners.
      4. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we may decide to cease making available certain features of the Services at any time and for any reason.
      5. We are not responsible for delay or failure of our performance of any of the Services caused by events beyond our reasonable control, like an act of war, hostility, sabotage, natural disaster, electrical, internet services, or telecommunication outage, or government restrictions.
    11. Indemnity and Release
      1. To the extent permitted by applicable law, you (on behalf of yourself and/or the Minor User) agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless SKILL-LYNC.LIVE/SKILL-LYNC, its affiliates/subsidiaries, their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney’s fees) arising from: (i) your and/or a Minor User’s use of and access to the Platform; (ii) your and/or a Minor User’s violation of any clauses of these Terms; (iii) your and/or a Minor User’s violation of any third party right, including without limitation any copyright, property, or privacy right; or (iv) breach or violation of the terms and conditions of, and/or default in payment of, any moneys, loans and/or equated monthly instalments under any third party arrangement / agreement; (v) violation of any applicable laws. This defense and indemnification obligation will survive these Terms and your and/or a Minor User’s use of the Platform.
      2. You (on behalf of yourself and/or the Minor User) hereby expressly release SKILL-LYNC, its affiliates and any of their respective officers, directors, employees and agents from and any cost, damage, liability or other consequence of any of the actions/inactions of any third-party vendors or service providers and specifically waive any claims or demands that you and/or a Minor User may have in this behalf against any of SKILL-LYNC, its affiliates and any of their respective officers, directors, employees and agents under any statute, contract or otherwise.
    12. Limitation of Liability


    13. Video Know Your Customer (VKYC) Terms
      1. The VKYC (Video Know Your Customer) process has been implemented to establish clarity, verify academic credentials, and align expectations between SKILL-LYNC and the User/learner.
      2. It is imperative to understand that the details provided during VKYC calls play a critical role and is binding as a final commitment for service deliverables by SKILL-LYNC. The accuracy and completeness of in formation disclosed during these calls are of utmost significance. User agrees that any commitments made pertaining to our services via text messages or WhatsApp communication are not legally binding. The only service commitments that hold legal validity are those conveyed through VKYC.
      3. The learner bears full responsibility for ensuring the accuracy and truthfulness of the information provided in their loan application. Any inaccuracies or misrepresentations may have legal consequences and impact the services rendered.
      4. All VKYC interactions, including video and audio content, are recorded for the purposes of maintaining transparency, compliance, and quality assurance. By participating in VKYC calls, students expressly grant SKILL-LYNC the right to record, store, and utilize this recorded content without any restrictions, provided such usage complies with applicable laws and regulations and the Privacy Policy.
      5. SKILL-LYNC expects all participants in the VKYC process to act with honesty, integrity, and accuracy. Any attempt to provide false or misleading information, intentionally misrepresent qualifications, or engage in fraudulent activities during VKYC procedures may result in disqualification from the program and potential legal action.
    14. Learning and other related terms
      1. English serves as the primary language of instruction for all live classes conducted by SKILL-LYNC.LIVE. Participants are expected to have a reasonable proficiency in English to effectively engage in the learning process.
      2. Learners are required to maintain a professional, respectful, and courteous attitude during all live sessions. This includes interactions with instructors, fellow learners, and any support staff. Disruptive or disrespectful behavior may result in warnings, removal from the session, or further action as deemed necessary by SKILL-LYNC.
      3. Unauthorized recording of live sessions, in any form (audio, video, or other), is strictly forbidden. Recording sessions without prior consent not only infringes upon the privacy rights of instructors and participants but also violates SKILL-LYNC's policies.
      4. SKILL-LYNC provides enrolled individuals with access to recorded versions of live classes. This resource is made available to support the learning process and allows learners to review or catch up on missed sessions. Access to these recorded materials is subject to the terms and conditions of the respective program.
      5. It is important to recognize that all content presented during live classes, including but not limited to lectures, materials, presentations, and proprietary software, is the intellectual property of SKILL-LYNC. Any unauthorized distribution, reproduction, or use of such materials is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.
      6. Support provided by SKILL-LYNC is exclusively dedicated to addressing issues and inquiries related to the software and tools that are specifically provided by SKILL-LYNC as part of the program. Support for third-party software or tools is not within the scope of SKILL-LYNC responsibilities.
      7. Learners are expected to adhere to these guidelines and terms to ensure a conducive and respectful learning environment and to respect the intellectual property of SKILL-LYNC.
    15. CSET & Career Services
      1. Eligibility Criteria for Career Services: In order to be eligible for career services, learners must meet specific criteria to ensure that they are adequately prepared and committed to the career placement process. The eligibility criteria are as follows:
        1. Learners are required to maintain an overall attendance record of at least 70% throughout the duration of the course. This is essential to demonstrate a commitment to the educational program and to ensure that learners have engaged consistently with the curriculum.
        2. A minimum academic standard must be met. Learners are expected to achieve an aggregate score of at least 70% across all assessments and coursework during the course. This reflects a commitment to academic excellence and a strong understanding of the program material.
        3. Successful clearance of the CSET (Career Services Eligibility Test) exam is a mandatory requirement for access to career services. The CSET exam assesses the knowledge and skills necessary for career readiness.
      2. Placement Opportunities: Learners who meet the eligibility criteria are entitled to access the career services offered by SKILL-LYNC. However, it's important to note that these services come with certain limitations:
        1. SKILL-LYNC.LIVE provides a maximum of five placement opportunities for eligible learners. These opportunities may include interviews with potential employers or access to job listings.
        2. No Guaranteed Interviews or Positions: It is essential to understand that the availability of placement opportunities does not guarantee that learners will secure interviews or job positions. The actual outcomes of the placement process depend on a variety of factors, including the learner's performance in interviews, employer preferences, and market conditions.
    16. End of Services
      1. Upon fulfilling all financial obligations and clearing any outstanding dues with the Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC), students have the option to request a No Objection Certificate (NOC) regarding the closure of their loan. The NOC serves as official documentation confirming the settlement of the loan which shall be provided by the NBFC.
      2. It is crucial to recognize that delayed or outstanding payments might result in the suspension of services provided by SKILL-LYNC.. Students are expected to adhere to the agreed-upon payment schedules and promptly address any financial obligations to ensure uninterrupted access to educational and support services.
      3. Regardless of the duration of the loan term, all services provided by SKILL-LYNC will conclude after 12 months from the date of enrolment. This termination is based on the enrolment period and is not affected by the specific terms of any loan used to fund the educational program.
      4. Posting negative or harmful content regarding SKILL-LYNC or any of its services on the internet or any other public platform is strictly forbidden. Learners are expected to address concerns or grievances through appropriate channels and adhere to ethical and responsible communication practices.
      5. All interactions, whether within the SKILL-LYNC community or with the organization's representatives, must be related to the course or educational programs offered. Additionally, users are expected to maintain a high level of respect and professionalism in all communications, ensuring a positive and conducive learning environment.
    17. Binding Agreement
      1. You (on behalf of yourself and/or the Minor User) agree that by registering, accessing, or using our Services, you (on behalf of yourself and/or the Minor User) are agreeing to enter into a legally binding contract with SKILL-LYNC. If you and/or a Minor User do not agree to these Terms, do not register, access, or otherwise use any of our Services.
      2. Any notice or other communication to SKILL-LYNC shall be provided in writing at the address mentioned on the Platform. Any notice and communication to the User and/or the Minor User shall be made on the email address provided by the User and/or the Minor User at the time of registration on the Platform/VKYC and/or at our Offline Centres.
      3. If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid, void or unenforceable by applicable law, then that provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision and the remainder of these Terms will continue in effect.
      4. Even if we are delayed in exercising our rights or fail to exercise a right in one case, it does not mean we waive our rights under these Terms, and we may decide to enforce them in the future. If we decide to waive any of our rights in a particular instance, it does not mean we waive our rights generally or in the future.
      5. The following clauses shall survive the expiration or termination of these Terms: Clause 1 ( Course Enrolment), Clause 5 (SKILL-LYNC at Your Own Risk), Clause 8 ( SKILL-LYNC’s Rights), Clause 11 ( Indemnity and Release), Clause 12 ( Limitation of Liability), Clause 17( Binding Agreement) and Clause 18 ( Governing Law, Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution).
    18. Governing Law, Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution
      1. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

        These Terms are governed and interpreted by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of India and subject to the dispute resolution clause below, the court at Chennai shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction over all matters arising out of or relating to the Terms. You agree and undertake not to initiate or instigate any class actions.

      2. Dispute Resolution

        Any and all disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms shall be exclusively submitted to arbitration under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, and shall be adjudicated by an arbitral tribunal comprising a sole arbitrator to be appointed by mutual consent of the parties. All proceedings of the arbitration shall be conducted in English language. The venue and seat of arbitration shall be Chennai. The arbitration award rendered by the sole arbitrator shall be final and binding. The substantive and procedural laws applicable to these Terms shall be the laws in force in the Republic of India.

    19. Policy Changes

      From time to time, we may update these Terms to clarify our practices or to reflect new or different practices (such as when we add new features) without any notice, and SKILL-LYNC reserves the right in its sole discretion to modify and/or make changes to these Terms at any time. If we make any material change, we will notify you and/or the Minor User using prominent means such as by email notice sent to the email address specified in your and/or the Minor User’s account or by posting a notice through our Platforms and Services. Modifications will become effective on the day they are posted unless stated otherwise. Your and/or the Minor User’s continued use of our Services after changes become effective shall mean that you (on behalf of yourself and/or the Minor User) accept those changes. Any revised Terms shall supersede all previous Terms. If a User (on behalf of themselves and/or the Minor User) disagrees with this policy or any part therein, then that User and/or the Minor User should not use this Website.

    20. Force Majeure: SKILL-LYNC shall not be liable for failure to perform, or the delay in performance of, any of its obligations if, and to the extent that, such failure or delay is caused by events substantially beyond its control, including but not limited to acts of God, acts of the public enemy or governmental body in its sovereign or contractual capacity, war, terrorism, floods, fire, strikes, epidemics, civil unrest or riots, power outage, and/or unusually severe weather.

    21. Modification, Amendment or Termination: SKILL-LYNC may, in its sole discretion, modify or revise the Agreement and policies at any time, and you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions. Your continued use of the Platform post any modification of the Agreement shall be taken as your consent and acceptance to such modifications. Nothing in the Agreement shall be deemed to confer any third-party rights or benefits. You are advised to check our Platform frequently to see recent changes and to keep yourself updated with the most recent updates.

    22. Miscellaneous: If any part of the Agreement is found to be unlawful, void or unenforceable, that part of the Agreement will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. Any notice required to be given in connection with the Platform shall be in writing and sent to the registered office of SKILL-LYNC. We do not guarantee continuous, uninterrupted or secure access to the Platform, and operation of the Platform may be interfered by numerous factors outside our control. Headings are for reference purpose only an on no way define, limit, construe or describe the scope or extent of such section. Our failure to act with respect to any breach by you or others does not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches.

    23. Grievance Officer and How to Contact Us
      1. If you find any discrepancies or have any grievances in relation to the Services, offered by us under these Terms or any other applicable terms and conditions or policies of the Company, as may be applicable, please contact the following:
        Name: Mohamed Hasheem
        E-mail: ITgrievance@skill-lync.live
        Working Days: Mon - Fri
        Working Hours: 10 am - 6 pm
      2. We will strive to address your questions, feedback and concerns in a timely and effective manner and within the time period prescribed under applicable law. The details of the grievance officer may be changed by us from time to time by updating these Terms.